I figured I do a bit more research on what I eat for breakfast - this is part of the Jan will get healthier by eating better part of my life. So I love eggs. Scrambled, fried, poached, hardboiled, omleted (is that a word?), whatever. Just bring on the eggs. If I'm not eating Oatmeal for breakfast then I'm having eggs. So what is good and bad about them.
Well they are low on the glycemic load (I've been reading about that so I will have more on it later). High in Vit A, E and Folate (which is another word for Folic Acid which I wrote about in a previous post). All good. Low in calories, only about 80 per egg. This, of course, is great if you are on a diet. They are a complete protein - easy to digest so you can get the full benefits from it. High in Choline too - simply this helps with Brain functions. Good for diabetics since there are no carbs to deal with.
Bad stuff - Cholesterol. Everyone waves that red flag on eggs but the latest research shows that we actually only get 25% of our body's cholesterol from what we eat. The rest is genetic (or Jeannettic, sorry family joke). So eating upward of two eggs a day (unless you have serious cholesterol problems) is okay.
Bad stuff II - Saturated Fat. Eggs have it. All animal protein has it to some extent. So over doing on eggs is just like eating to much of anything that is high in saturated fat (like steak or butter) it is going to push your saturated fats too high in your diet. This has been linked to heart disease and a possible increase in Breast cancer. I think I will leave Saturated Fat for another blog.
Next: Can I really make eggs any better? Hmmmm
PS. Found new website with lots of information broken out in easy and understandable language - nutritiondata.com - watch the measurements on the items reviewed, some are single serving and some are by the cup.
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