Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Blessing Board

When things were tough for our family one Thanksgiving I decided that we needed to write down our blessings. So on the back of a door I put a large piece of heavy news print and wrote on the top - 'Count Your Blessings'. I hung two pens close to the paper and told my family we need to count our blessings. Well we wrote and wrote and when the holidays were over we decided that we liked having the reminder of our blessings hanging up.

As I traveled though the next few years of life (which included cancer) our blessing board became a family history as we continued to write. We could each remember when we became grateful for the different things written on the board. From the simple things - like chocolate chip cookies and warm socks - to the more specific - like Doctors and medicine - our board continued to be added upon. Friends and family names apeared on the board too as our gratitude for all things increased. When it looked like the paper would finally give up I decided it was too precious to let it get destroyed. So I took down and carefully mounted it to a mounting board, that way it would be stiff, and I framed it with no glass (actually Jeffery did the frame) so we could continue to write on it for many years to come. And Voila our art work in process - Sorry about the crazy camera angle but I'm shooting it where it's mounted in the hall. Enjoy!

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