Friday, December 30, 2011

Emergency Preparedness - 72 Hour Kit Extravaganza!

We never know when the emergency will come. It could be a flood or earthquake or something horrible like terrorists. Will we have electricity? Running Water? Can we cook without using our kitchens? Will be be at home and have the luxury of using the items in our home to help with the emergency? Or will our homes be unsafe to even go inside? Will we be at the Temple some 55 miles away from home? Are we ready for the hike home and do we have our 72 hour backpack kits in our car along with sturdy shoes? Will we be at work (where ever that may be)? Have we thought this through? Do we have a plan?

One of the Sisters in my Ward at Church had asked for a 72 hour kit listing (Hi Leslie). This is a simple one that I found by Rachel Woods. 

72 Hour Emergency Kit

1. Update your kit every six months (put a note in your calendar/planner) to make sure that: all food, water, and medication are fresh (not expired), clothing fits, personal documents and credit cards are up to date, and batteries are charged.
2. Small toys/games are important too as they will provide some comfort and
3. Older children can be responsible for their own pack of items/clothes too.
4. You can include any other items you feel are necessary for your family's survival.
5. Some items and/or flavors might leak, melt, “flavor” other items, or break open. Dividing groups of items into individual Ziploc bags might help prevent this.

Food and Water:
(3 day supply of food & water per person when no refrigeration/cooking is available)
Protein/Granola Bars
Trail Mix/Dried Fruit
Crackers/Cereals (for munching)
Canned Tuna, Beans, Meat, Vienna
Sausages, etc (“pop-top” cans might leak/explode & Jerky can “flavor” other items)
Canned Juice
Candy/Gum (Jolly ranchers can melt &mint gum might “flavor” other items)
Water (1 Gallon/4 Liters per person)

Can Opener
Radio (with batteries!)
Pen and Paper
Pocket Knife
Duct Tape

Personal Supplies and Medications:
First Aid Supplies
Toiletries (roll of toilet paper—remove center tube to easily flatten into a zip-lock bag, feminine hygiene, folding brush, etc)
Cleaning Supplies (mini hand sanitizer, soap, shampoo, dish soap, etc. Warning: Scented soap might “flavor” food items.)
Immunizations Up-to Date
Medication (Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, children’s medication, etc.)
Prescription Medication (for 3 days)
(Place these items in a water-proof container!)
Bedding and Clothing:
Change of Clothing (short and long sleeve shirts, pants, socks, jackets, etc.)
Rain Coat /Poncho
Blankets and Emergency Heat Blankets
Cloth Sheet
Plastic Sheet

Fuel & Light
Battery Lighting (Flashlights, Lamps)
Extra Batteries
Water-Proof Matches

Bag or Bags to put 72 hour kit items in (such as duffel bags or hiking back packs, which work great)
Infant Needs (if applicable)

Personal Documents and Money:
Scriptures (miniature ones are lighter)
Genealogy Records
Patriarchal Blessing
Legal Documents (Birth/Marriage Certificates, Wills, Passports, Contracts)
Vaccination Papers
Insurance Policies
Credit Card
Pre-Paid Phone Cards

I just wanted to add a personal note too that if you have animals you might consider food for them too. Anybody else have anything to add?

In addition to the above I have a link from the City of San Francisco with more ideas on 72 hour kits. Take a moment and review. I really like this site - just click on the icons at the right for more emergency prep information.

'Failure to prepare is preparing to Fail' John Wooden

Now on to more links to more ideas for food for the 72 hour kit:

Here is in part the list of Food Items that 'Karen' has listed:

  • Beef Jerky
  • Saltine Crackers
  • Corned Beef Hash
  • Soup-for-One
  • Roast Beef Hash
  • Cheese & Crackers
  • Beef Stew
  • Oyster Crackers
  • Chili
  • Dried Beef
  • Ravioli
  • Fruit Cups
  • Applesauce Cups
  • Vienna Sausages
  • Pudding Cups
  • Bread Sticks
  • Cookies
  • Snack Pack Cereal
  • Canned Milk
  • Powdered Milk
  • Fruit Rolls
  • Fun Fruits
  • Packages of Raisins
  • Packages of Peanuts
  • Granola Bars
  • Beef Sticks
  • Box Juices
  • Hot Cocoa Mix
  • Suckers
  • Hard Candy
  • Trail Mix
  • Power Bars

Another good resource is the disaster center guide. It has lots of good ideas for your 72 hour kit, medical kits, things that I would never think of kits :)

Click here for the Disaster Center Guide

So get prepared!   Enjoy!

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