One more article to help you focus on your health in the new year. I was reading online that there is a new study, from the University of Minnesota, that says that taking vitamins may actually shorten your life. Scary thought. The idea is that we are dosing ourselves into a vitamin overload and actually damaging our bodies in the process. Makes sense to me. Really. Think about it, if you take too much of, say, vitamin B then your body has to work harder to get rid of the excessive amount that you have taken. So you're putting your liver and kidneys into overdrive. Anytime an organ has to work harder means that I am wearing out that organ. So like I said this all makes sense.
Time to re-evaluate my vitamin taking. Truly we if we eat right then we really shouldn't need supplements. I take a fish oil pill each day because my Doctor has told me it will help with my Triglycerides. And a calcium pill since I am getting on in years and my Mom had serious issues with bone density. Interestingly enough taking calcium actually extended your life according to the research. Well at least that is one that I don't have to worry about. I don't take a multivitamin but I think the B complex has to go especially since B6 and Folate are mentioned in the article.
If you are interested in the article then follow this link:
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