Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Making Eggs - Eggs-sigh-ting

Sorry for the horrible title but Eggs just lend themselves to it. :)

So my last blog was on eggs for breakfast - still trying to eat myself healthier - so what do I put on or with eggs that can make them better.

Salt - I use too much salt and I know that but I just have never found anything to replace it. I did look to see if any salt is better than another - no - rats. Some have better minerals (sea salt) and some have added iodine (table salt) and some are better loved by chefs (kosher salt) but they are all just salt. Now don't get me wrong salt is an important part of keeping us chemically balanced. We need it, we just don't need so much of it. Salt substitutes use Potassium Chloride as part of their chemical properties and too much of that isn't good for you either (it also affects certain medicines that you take so consult a Doctor before switching to a salt substitute). So what it comes down to is watch the salt. There are Salt free spices that might be worth considering too.

Egg Substitutes - I have tried egg substitutes and they're great for mixing with stuff (like in cakes) but taste awful as a stand alone item (scrambled). They have less fat and cholesterol but . . . I did find an article that suggested mixing one egg with an egg white based substitute. I'm going to try this and get back to you on it.

Mixing in Veggies - this was suggested by a nutritionist when I was in a study of food and it's affects on Cancer. Adding Spinach, mushrooms, onion, zucchini, fresh tomatoes or using pico de gallo on your eggs adds a whole new level of healthy eating. I struggle with getting enough veggies in my diet and don't want to just drink my veggies so this works really well. It helps to cook the veggies first (except the spinach and tomatoes) and then add the egg.

Finally what comes to me is cheese - I have been known to make a fairly good omelet but I usually end up making more of a country style omelet than the fancy french style. But I always add cheese. It is a good source of calcium but is it also high in fat. I think if you can do without then do without.

My favorite way of having eggs is in eggs Benedict (my Daughter makes it awesome) - lets see, poached eggs, good, Canadian bacon, not so good, whole wheat English muffins, good, holindaise sauce, definitely a no no. Hmmm looks like Eggs Benedict is not on my list :( Think if I added some spinach to it it would help? Didn't think so.

Back to the drawing board.

Next I think I will hit the veggies that I mentioned in this blog. First up will be Spinach.

PS - tried the egg substitute made primarily from egg whites this morning - mixed 1 egg with 1/4 cup of substitute - yuck! I would rather just have one egg. Sadly I bought a whole box of the egg substitute at the local Costco - I guess I'm going to use the rest of it in baking. Lesson - only buy a single if you are trying it out for the first time, if it works, great, if not you won't have wasted your money (duh!).

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